إسترجاع المعلومات العلمية والتقنية في ظل البيئة الرقمية ودوره في دعم الإتصال العلمي بين الباحثين : دراسة ميدانية مع الأساتذة الباحثين بجامعة محمد الصديق بن يحي - جيجل

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This study attempts to identify the tendencies adopted when retrieving scientific and technical information in the digital environment, and their role in reinforcing scientific communication between researchers. It tends to clarify the search methodology, the strategies and frames that should be handled to have an easy and quick access to the needed information via the Internet. The study also tends to analyze the researchers’ attitude toward the new models related to scientific communication, their degree of awareness about the new developments occurred in the field of scientific publishing and free access to information and their tendency toward making their scientific papers available on free electronic periodicals and open archives. The descriptive method has been adopted in this study. A sample of teachers-researchers has been used to respond a questionnaire exploited as an instrument for collecting data. The survey was led at the University of Mohamed Seddik Benyahia in Jijel. 176 teachers-researchers belonging to faculties, departments and disciplines received the questionnaire. This has helped us to gather significant data concerning our study. The collected data have been analyzed in relation to the stated hypotheses. Thus, we have been able to identify the teachers-researchers tendencies and strategies in terms of retrieving scientific and technical information via the Internet and their frequency in participating in the promotion of the new model of scientific communication which is built on free access to information, on open archives and free electronic periodicals. We have also been able to get an idea about their attitude on these new concepts generated by the digital environment with all its variables. The study makes a series of suggestions that enable teachers-researchers to develop their mastery in the process of information search and retrieval in the digital environment, and to benefit easily from information, to facilitate its transfer and exchange between researchers within the frame of an efficient organized scientific communication and the new models introduced by modern progress. (Author’s abstract)