أثر استراتيجية اتخاذ القرار في التحصيل وتنمية التفكير الإبداعي لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة التأريخ


This study aims at finding out ‘the impact of making decision strategy in developing creative thinking for fifth literary secondary school students in history subject’ through verifying the following hypotheses: 1) There is no significant statistical difference at the level of 0,005 between the scores mean of experimental and controlling group female students in the post-test. 2) There is no significant statistical difference at the level of 0,005 between the scores mean of experimental and controlling groups in the developing creative thinking post-test. 3) There is no significant statistical difference at the level of 0,005 between the scores mean of experimental group in creative thinking pre- and post-tests. 4) There is no significant statistical difference at the level of 0,005 between the scores mean of controlling group in creative thinking pre- and post-tests. The study adopts the experimental procedure which bears the partial perfection as the study design. And to achieve this, the researcher selected deliberately two schools to put the experiment into effect,i.e., Al-Adnaniya female secondary and Um Habiba female secondary schools which belong to the general directorate of education in Diyala – Baqouba city. Randomly, Al-Adnaniya secondary school was selected to be the experimental group and Um Habiba secondary school to be the controlling group. The sample added up to 80 female students divided into 40 students as the controlling group and 40 the experimental. The researcher used the statistical means SPSS in that the two groups were equalized regarding the variables (age as counted by months for female students, educational status for fathers and mothers, social security events, scores of creative thinking pre- and post-tests for both groups, scores of last year in history subject and scores of intelligence test). Achievement post-test consists of 40 items distributed on two questions; the first consists of 30 items of multiple choices while the second question consists of 10 items of essay type. The creative thinking test was built according to the steps developed by Khairullah 1975 to measure the ability to think creatively for the study sample which consists of five activities which are: uses, orderings, situations, improvements and words). The items of these activities or questions were built in terms of general items of the modern history of Europe and America for developing the creative thinking for the sample students. The researcher formed 124 behavioral goals from the six Bloom's taxonomies and were exposed on the jury, then, the methodology was prepared for the two groups. At the end of the experiment, the researcher concludes the following: 1) The result was in favor of the experimental group on the account of the controlling group in the achievement post-test in history subject. 2) There is increasing growth between the score of the post-test of creative thinking of the experimental group on the account of the controlling group. The researcher recommends: applying decision making strategy in teaching history for literary fifth secondary class for it has great impact on improving achievement level and creative thinking. The researcher also suggests: conducting other studies on the impact of decision making strategy in other variable like (critical thinking, historical thinking, deductive thinking, students’ attitudes towards different educational subjects). (Author’s abstract)