بناء برنامج تدريبي لمدرسي اللغة العربية في طرائق التدريس على وفق معايير الجودة الشاملة


Current research aims to build a training program for teachers of Arabic language in teaching methods according to the quality standards through answering a series of questions, namely: 1) What’s comprehensive quality standards that must be available in a training program for teachers of the Arabic language in teaching methods during the service? 2) What quality standards for the teaching of the Arabic language? 3) What degree of implementation of Arabic language teachers teaching quality standards? Have been identified research community a total of Arabic language teachers in the province of Babylon, spread over four administrative units, namely: (Hillah, the Hashemite, Mahaweel, Musayyib) and totaling 1536 has also been withdrawn sample of the total community by 20% amounted 307 teacher. The researcher adopted two referendums to build standards for the quality of the training program for teachers of the Arabic language in teaching methods has identified seven fields, namely, (content goals methods and techniques of training instructors in the program environment training activities and sources of knowledge evaluation methods, was sure sincerity after the presentation to a group of experts, making ready to build on the basis of the training program, and the other to determine the level of practice of Arabic language teachers to teach quality standards, has been applied to the sample after the confirmation of sincerity and persistence which amounted to 0.83. The researcher used measure of three alternatives, namely, (I work with a high degree do I work moderately weak degree) and the purpose of determining the degree of exercise Arabic language teachers to quality standards in teaching is to determine the need for training which is the first foundation that must be taken into account in building programs training, having completed the researcher procedures prescribed in the construction of its proposal on the basis of comprehensive quality standards built by taking into account the need for training for teachers, and after that, the researcher building program proposed and presented to a group of experts to ensure validity, came approval it after making some adjustments. The researcher reached after this study was to a set of conclusions, including: 1) The in-service training programs at the present time for training a few Arabic language teachers and the need to reconsider the structure and construction. 2) To assess the effectiveness of trainee during the training process and discussed, and follow-up in the field after the end of the program and providing research and reports are of the calendar means good for the trainees. 3) The Arabic language teachers who graduated from the faculties of Arts need training in teaching methods because they did not learn about them during the period to prepare them. In light of the findings recommended the following: 1) The adoption of the proposed training program in the training courses organized by the institutes of educational preparation and training in Iraq for Arabic language teachers. 2) The need to prepare and plan training programs for teachers of Arabic in Iraq. 3) Adoption of the comprehensive quality standards in building training programs and straightened. And finally suggested the following: 1) The application of the proposed training program prepared by the researcher and measure its effectiveness in the training of teachers of Arabic language teaching methods. 2) Building training programs in accordance with the overall quality standards in other jurisdictions. 3) Adoption of quality standards built by the researcher in the construction of customized training programs to train teachers in-service and straightened. (Author’s abstract)