أثر إستراتيجية (p.l.a.n) في الفهم القرائي بمادة المطالعة لدى طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط


This study aims to find out plan’s strategy impact on second- grade intermediate pupils in reading comprehension. In order to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher has formulated the following Null hypothesis: There is no statistically difference among pupils with medium degrees in the experimental group who study texts reading by using the plan’s strategy, and pupils with medium degrees in the control group who study texts reading by using the normal methods in reading comprehension at the level of 0.05. The researcher has randomly selected a sample from second- grade intermediate pupils of Aldustoor intermediate school for boys/ Directorate- General of education, Baghdad-al-Rusafa/3, for the academic year 2013-2014. He has also selected a sample consisting of 60 pupils, randomly distributed into two groups: the first is the experimental group, consisting of 30 pupils, and was studied by using the plan's strategy, and the second is the control group, consisting of 30 pupils, and was studied by using the normal method. The researcher has equaled between the two groups on the basis of four variables: 1) chronological age, 2) marks of the previous year, 3) parent’s education, 4) intelligence. Then he has chosen seven academic subjects for the academic semester of the year 2013-2014. He has also formulated 74 goals and prepared teaching plans, and submitted them to a group of experts and arbitrators, and then he performed a test for measuring the readable comprehension, consisting of 25 items distributed among three questions distinguishing the test depending on: reliability, stability and objectivity. The researcher has used the following statistical devices: 1) T- Test of two independent samples, 2) Kie square, 3) Item difficulty equation, 4) Discriminative power, 5) Mistaken alternative efficiency, 6) Alpha Cronbach equation. The study has reached the following findings: 1) The pupils of the experimental group which studied by using plan’s strategy topped the pupils of the control group which was studied by using the normal method in reading comprehension. In light of research findings, the study has reached the following conclusions: 1) Effectiveness of the plan’s strategy to raise reading comprehension level of second- grade intermediate pupils compared with the normal method. 2) Teaching plan’s strategy leads pupils to realize the importance of the academic syllabuses which are directly relevant to their life, and make them feel enjoy their study, also making them continually realize the importance of reading and its value. The researcher has recommended the following: 1) The necessity of using plan’s strategy in teaching texts reading subjects due to its importance in achieving educational outcomes; as it effectively contributes to improve the reading comprehension level of second- grade intermediate pupils. 2) The necessity of providing school libraries with books and comic magazines which the reader may need, and to know new things in the field of knowledge on the basis of his/her cultural level. 3) Performing a similar study for this study in order to know Plan’s Strategy impact on other Arabic language subjects and reading skills. (Author’s abstract)