تقدير الذات وعلاقته بالسلوك العدواني وقلق المستقبل وبعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية : دراسة میدانیة على طلاب جامعة دنقلا


This study aimed to investigate the self-esteem and its relationship to aggressive behavior and Anxiety the future and some demographic variables at Dongola University students. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method. The Population of the study represents by University of Dongola students, the sample of this study was chosen as stratified random sample from five out of ten Faculties University of Dongola. The sample total was (277) students from the whole sample number (2747) students registered in the academic year 2012-2013. The researcher use various methods for the statistical processing such as (t-test) for the two related groups, Person correlation coefficient and valid coefficient (Cronbachs Alpha). The main results of this study are: There is a significant statistical relationship between all the dimensions of the self- esteem and the dimensions of aggressive behavior except the family self-esteem University of Dongola students, family self-esteem is more predictive for aggressive behavior, No statistical significant differences in the aggressive behavior between males and females in self-esteem for Dongola University students, No statistical differences in the aggressive behavior and the students average in the past year, No significance interaction between self-esteem and aggressive behavior and fathers job and his academic level. The main recommendations are; The family shouldnt use bad treatment distance itself from the bad treatment, because it plays a great role in developing positive self and shaping the individual during the first six years of his life, The parents should deal with Attitude developing positive directions in their children until they accept their selves and trust them, Instructional programs should be put to help in developing positive self and distance them from aggressive behavior and its bad phenomena that affect on psychological health of the students. The study also found a set of proposals, including: self-esteem and its relationship to academic achievement at Dongola University students.(Author's abstract)