استخدام الحاسوب واثره في تدريس مقرر العلوم الاسرية لطلاب التربية اساس المستوى الثالث بجامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا


This study aims to show the effect of using computer in teaching family science for education students (third year basic level) at Sudan University of science and technology. The researcher used the experimental methodology and also used pre and post test as a tool to collect data. The study was done on a sample of 34 third year students during 2011-2012. The researcher used SPSS. And the most important results are the use of computer in teaching family sciences helps the students with weak standard to attain better degrees and to increase distinction. The computer helps to overcome the individual differences to attain better results. In the light of these results, the researcher recommends: the centers for sources of learning should be established. Benefit from experience of other countries in this field. (Published abstract)