التقويم الذاتي واثره في دوافع تعلم مادة التربية الموسيقية ومستوى التحصيل الدراسي بها : دراسة تطبيقية على طالبات الصف الخامس بالتعليم الاساس – ابوظبي – الامارات العربية المتحدة


This study is aiming to identify the effectiveness of the self-evaluation based program of both motivation development towards learning music and the rising of the achievement level on a sample of the fifth grade students in listening to music. To achieve this aim the researcher used the experimental method in this study. The study sample is applied on 43 fifth grade students divided into two groups; The experimental group; involved 21 pupils and the control group; included 22 pupils. The researcher used 3 tools: a measure of motivation towards learning music, an achievement test for the listening branch of music, and a program based on self-evaluation which consisted of models that were practiced by a sample of grade five students listening to music. The researcher used the below mentioned tools: Firstly: Holding meetings with educational specialists in evaluation to know their opinions in the self-evaluation effect on the students learning and improving their motivation for learning music. Secondly: Measuring the students’ motivation towards learning music. Thirdly: Making a competence evaluation test in music. After confirming the requirements of homogeneity of the two groups in terms of age, motivation, and the level of achievement towards music learning prior measurement, the researcher carried out her experiment whereby the experimental group was exposed to training experiences of the self-evaluation program. By the end of the experiment, the researcher applied a measure of motivation towards learning music and an achievement test listening branch to pupils of the experimental group and control group post measurement, and analyzed quantitative results of differences in performance between the two groups using test T for the average of different indicators and SPSS program. The results responded to the key question of the study and showed the following: 1) The effectiveness of the self-evaluation based program in improving the motivation level towards music learning in the experimental group, compared to the control group students who were subjected to the normal evaluation method. 2) The effectiveness of the self-evaluation-based program in improving the level of achievement towards music learning in the experimental group, compared to the control group students. (Published abstract)