دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في العملية التعليمية : دراسة حالة طلاب جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا – كلية علوم الحاسوب للعام 2013


This study was aimed at examine the extent to which social network can be implemented in the educational process among the students of Sudanese universities” a case study of Sudan University”. Also it tented to cast the light on the most important obstacles that prevent implemented of social networks in the educational process in Sudan – And also to conclude recommendations that many improve the reality of implemented social network in the educational process. The researcher has applied the descriptive approach in order to get results from a random sample that consisted of 50 students males and females from computer science and information technology college, Sudan University and five members from its teaching staff. The researcher has used questionnaire and interview as tools for collecting data and SPSS for statistical manipulation. The study findings: 1) social networks contribute effectively to improve the communication level among the students. 2) Social networks can be implemented to the high point in the Educational process. 3) Social net works can highly affect the Academic communication among the students. 4) There are some great obstacle to use social networks and websites in the educational process, most importantly the linking the networks with default language, and lack of credibility of the interchangeable information sources. (Author's abstract)