مصادر المعلومات الرقمية بجامعة الكويت : دراسة لأهمية ومعوقات استخدامها لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس


In the digital age, the need for obtaining information in a digital format has arisen. This paper seeks to identify the extent to which faculty members use digital information resources. The descriptive methodology has been chosen to determine the willingness and importance of using digital information resources through surveying an equally stratified random sample of 180 faculty members; half of them in the science departments and the other half are from liberal arts and humanities departments. The study also aims at identifying the obstacles facing faculty members’ use of digital information resources. The findings revealed that faculty members are willing to use information resources and there was a general agreement among all faculty members on the importance of using digital information resources. The study has also found that the lack of specific skills prevent faculty members from using the digital information resources. To overcome the difficulties, recommendations were made to provide adequate training for the faculty members to improve their researching skills in digital information resources. (Published abstract)