أثر الرحلات المعرفية عبر الويب (الويب كويست) في تدريس المواد الإجتماعية على التحصيل الدراسي وتنمية التنور التقني لدى طالبات التعليم الثانوي


This study aimed to identify the effect of web quests in promoting social studies academic achievement at the lower and higher Bloom’s cognitive levels; also to highlight the web quests’ effect on promoting the dimensions of technology literacy scale; then identifying the relationship between the female students' achievement at Bloom’s lower levels as well as their achievement at the higher levels; also recognizing the relationship between academic achievement and the dimensions of technology literacy promotion. The researcher employed the quasi-experimental method which is based on the single group pre-posttest design; the researcher constructed a multiple-choice achievement test composed of six dimensions representing Bloom’s lower and higher levels through constructing a specifications table for the unit under investigation: “The Arab World Unit” taught in the first high school grade. The researcher conducted a content analysis for the unit to identify its concepts, facts, and generalizations; and a questionnaire was designed to disclose the degree of development and technology literacy advancement possessed by the female secondary school students. This instrument was comprised of three dimensions, and the study’s two tools’ validity had been verified through carrying out procedures pertaining to the validity and reliability coefficients and appropriate difficulty /discrimination index. At the beginning of the experiment the achievement test as well as the technology literacy measure were administered to the study sample composed of 30 female students in the three stages of the girls secondary education (participated secondary education: a combination of credit system, developed secondary education system, and conventional secondary education) in the city of Jeddah during the second school term 1432/1433H. and lasting for two weeks. At the conclusion of the experiment the achievement and the technology literacy scale were administered. To analyze the data obtained the study used Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test for a single group (Paired Samples Test) to identify the differences between pre-and posttest, as well as squared eta (ɳ2) to ascertain the effect of utilizing the cognitive web quests on boosting academic achievement in social studies and advancing technology literacy by high school female students. Most Important Results: 1) There existed a high positive effect on the promotion of social studies academic achievement on the part of high school female students at Bloom’s lower and higher cognitive levels. 2) There existed a high positive effect on mental enlightenment with its three dimensions under investigation. 3) There existed a statistically significant relationship between the students’ achievement at Bloom’s lower levels and their achievement at higher levels. 4) There existed a statistically significant relationship between the academic achievement variable and the dimensions of the technology literacy promotion. Based upon the results reached, the researcher put forward a number of important recommendations: 1) Utilizing the cognitive web quests during social studies instruction with female high school students, for their (quests) impact on boosting academic achievement and at all Bloom's levels (lower and higher). 2) Incorporating this procedure in educational curricula to become an integral part in the instructional process, and averting the employment of traditional teaching styles during social studies lessons because of their limited return in terms of benefit and motivation. (Author’s abstract)