أثر برنامج إرشادي في تنمية إدارة الأزمات لدى طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية


Current research aims to find out the impact of the pilot program in the development of crisis management among students in the preparatory phase of the validation through the following assumptions. 1) There are no statistically significant differences at the level 05.0 between Sort degrees of control group in the pretest and posttest. 2) There are no statistically significant differences at the level 05.0 between Sort scores of the experimental group before and after the implementation of the program. 3) There are no statistically significant differences at the level 05.0 between Sort scores of the experimental group and the control group in the post-test. Current search is determined with middle school students to spend a day of pure study for the academic year 2012 2013: The researcher building a mentoring program in accordance with the theory of rational emotive therapy (Alice) The program includes, inter alia, (discussion, dialogue play a role determining the non-rational ideas rational critique the ideas of others relax reinforcement training, homework calendar) Has been presented to a group of experts in psychological counseling to make sure of his sincerity, and the number of sessions Guidelines 12 session by two sessions per week The research sample consisted of 20 students, fourth-grade science who got the highest score on a scale of crisis management. They chose from junior high pure for Boys in Khalis, were distributed randomly into two groups, one pilot was introduced independent variable (Indicative Programme) on them and the other officer was not exposed to the program extension, and then conducted a researcher parity between the two groups in the number of variables, including. (Degree measure of crisis management attainment of academic achievement father for father Lam career profession mother). Search requests use of the following statistical methods (arithmetic mean standard deviation Pearson correlation coefficient equation Alvakrnbach self-test for one sample second test for two independent samples. Search results showed the following:1) No statistically significant differences at the level 0.05 between Sort degrees of control group in the pretest and posttest .2) There were statistically significant differences at the level 0.05 between Sort scores of the experimental group before and after the program. 3) There were statistically significant differences at the level 0.05 between Sort degrees experimental and control groups in the post-test and in favor of the experimental group. In light of the results researcher presented a number of recommendations and proposals (Published abstract)