دور الرسوم التوضيحية بالكتب الدراسية في تنمية بعض مهارات الادراك البصري لطفل الروضة من وجهة نظر المعلمات في ضوء بعض المتغيرات


The current research aims to identify The role of illustrations in textbooks in the development of some visual perception skills of the kindergarten child from the point of view of the teachers, as well as to investigate the impact of variables: (years of experience, scientific qualification, specialization) at the degree of appreciation of kindergarten teachers for the role of illustrations in the development of visual perception in kindergarten children, and to achieve this a questionnaire consisting of (16) words was prepared distributed in four areas where the role of illustrations is clear: (visual discrimination - visual recall - visual closure - shape and floor), and after verifying its sincerity and stability distributed to the sample of the study consisting of (90) teachers in kindergarten, the research used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research, and after conducting appropriate statistical analyses, the results showed: the degree of appreciation of kindergarten teachers for the role of illustrations of children's textbooks in the development of visual perception ranged from (very high and high) to the tool as a whole as it did not appear Statistically significant differences due to the variable years of experience, scientific qualification and specialization and in the light of these results I recommend research with many recommendations, the most important of which is "the need to pay attention to illustrations of children's books in the development of visual perception skills in the kindergarten child". (Published abstract)