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Using dramatic monologue for developing EFL speaking skills among prospective teachers

Type Article
Author Mohamed, Fatma Sadeq. English Foreign Language, Curricula and Methods of Teaching and Head of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Benha Universit.
Second author Abdel-Haq, Eman Mohammed. English Foreign Language, Curricula and Methods of Teaching, Faculty of Education, Benha Universit.
Helwa, Hasnaa Sabry Abdel-Hamid Ahmed. Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Benha University.
Pages pp. 1-42
Host Item Entry Journal of Faculty of Education. Vol. 31, no. 121, p. 3, January 2020
Electronic Location Full text (PDF)  PDF
Descriptors Teaching methods  -  Drama  -  English  -  Second language instruction  -  Skill development  -  Speaking  -  Language teachers
Language of document English
Country Egypt
The aim of this research paper is to investigate the effectiveness of using dramatic monologue in developing EFL speaking skills among prospective teachers. The design of the study is one group, pre-posttest. The sample of the present study consisted of fourth year English section students at Benha Faculty of Education (N=40). The study sample taught through using the dramatic monologue. The tool of the present study consists of an EFL speaking test prepared by the researcher and a rubric for correction. The test consisted of five parts; each part measures certain speaking skills. It was applied on the study sample before and after implementation. Results of the study revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample in the pre, post assessment of EFL speaking skills in favor of the post assessment. Therefore, the EFL speaking skills of the study sample were developed as a result of teaching through dramatic monologue. Using dramatic monologue enables learner to express themselves confidently, exchanges the information and communicate and interact with each other. This confirmed that the dramatic monologue is effective in developing the EFL speaking skills among prospective teachers. It was recommended that using dramatic monologue in developing other language skills such as writing and listening among students at the different educational stages. (Published abstract)

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Mohamed, Fatma Sadeq. (2020). Using dramatic monologue for developing EFL speaking skills among prospective teachers . Journal of Faculty of Education. Vol. 31, no. 121, p. 3, January 2020. pp. 1-42 Retrieved from