البحث المتقدم

إستراتيجيات مواجهة الضغوط النفسية وجودة الحياة لدى المعلمين المصابين بالسكري : دراسة ميدانية ببلدية سكيكدة

النوع رسالة / أطروحة
المؤلف بوفج، وسام.
المؤلف الاضافي نحوي، عائشة. مشرف رسالة
بلوم، محمد. عضو لجنة المناقشة
دبراسو، فطيمة. عضو لجنة المناقشة
بشقة، سماح. عضو لجنة المناقشة
قنون، خميسة. عضو لجنة المناقشة
الصفحات أ-ث، 7-344 ص.، 49 ص. غير مرقمة
تبصرة أطروحة دكتوراه. علم النفس المرضي للراشد. جامعة محمد خيضر. كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية. 2018. الجزائر. بسكرة. ص. ب: 145. ت: 0021333501280. fshsweb@univ-biskra.dz. ف: 0021333501282
المصدر الالكتروني النص الكامل (PDF)  PDF
الواصفات الضغط النفسي  -  نوعية الحياة  -  الصحة البدنية  -  المعلمون  -  سكيكدة (الجزائر)
لغة الوثيقة العربية
البلد الجزائر
The present study aims to identify the nature of the relationship between coping strategies and the quality of life of teachers with diabetes in three educational levels (primary, intermediate and secondary) at the municipal level of SKIKDA Revealing, and to detect some statistically significant differences between teachers, the sample is attributed to some social and demographic factors (gender, age, social situation, experience, duration of disease - diabetes). To achieve these buts, the study was divided into two parts: the first part relates to the quantitative study in which the descriptive method (correlation and differentiation), and we used some tools: the scale of strategies coping, the measures of quality-of-life WHOQOL-100 standard, and a questionnaire for the collecting personal data. The study samples (74 teacher’s diabetes) were treated regularly and were selected in a very specific manner. The second part relates to the qualitative study in which we used the clinical method, the case study, by applying the semi directive interview and technical analysis of the content, also some measure: the perceived stress inventory, the burn out scale, the survey of the pressure on three teachers (two primary and middle-level instructors and one teacher secondary school). After the research process and answering of the study questions, the results of the quantitative study obtained were as follows: 1) There is positive correlation statistically significant at the levels of 0.01 between the total degree of coping strategies and the total degree of quality of life for teacher’s diabetes. 2) There is positive correlation statistically significant at the levels of 0.05 between the total degree of quality of coping strategies (positive/negative) and the total degree of quality of life for teachers with diabetes. 3) a)There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of coping strategies due to the gender variable of teachers with diabetes. b) There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of coping strategies due to the age variable of teachers with diabetes. c) There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of coping strategies due to the professional experience variable of teachers with diabetes. d) There are no statistically significant differences between the averages of coping strategies due to the different specialization variable among teachers with diabetes. 4) a) There are no statistically significant differences between averages of quality of life due to the gender variable of teachers with diabetes. b) There are no statistically significant differences between averages of quality of life due to the gender variable of teachers with diabetes. c) There are no statistically significant differences between averages of quality of life due to the social situation variable of teachers with diabetes. d) There are no statistically significant differences between averages of quality of life due to the variable duration of disease among teachers with diabetes. The results of the qualitative study reached that the three study cases there were slight different strategies type of coping used by teachers with diabetes (type І and type ІІ), despite the average level of quality of life and coping strategies, a high perception of stress, high level of burn out, but each case has a variety of skills and methods to cope with the various pressures that are negative or positive strategies, emotion or problem–focused coping strategies. This is result due to the role of the risk and injury factors, the degree of psychological and physical immunity, the specificity of the psychological profile and the degree of acceptance of the disease, and the source of health control in each case. The style of life of their situation is different from the other and reflected on the quality of general life despite their practice of the same education profession. (Author’s abstract)

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بوفج، وسام. (2018). إستراتيجيات مواجهة الضغوط النفسية وجودة الحياة لدى المعلمين المصابين بالسكري : دراسة ميدانية ببلدية سكيكدة (دكتوراه). جامعة محمد خيضر كلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية، الجزائر. تم استرجاعه من search.shamaa.org .