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A1 التونسي، نبيلة بنت طاهر علي AB This study aimed to determine the levels of language processing in the elementary fourth grade and the difficulties of reading learning (reading disability) in the schools of general education in Medina. It also sought to find out the differences between students in language processing as a whole, as well as at each of its levels individually. The study determined the levels of processing adopting the descriptive approach through the application of a test on the study sample -prepared by the researcher-, where the total sample amounted to (68) fourth-class students, (34) normal elementary students and (34) with difficulties in reading learning in the same class during the first semester of the academic year 1439-1440 AH. The language processing test contained four sections for processing levels: lexical (three skills), grammatical (four skills), semantic (five skills) and application (four skills) and the signs of sincerity and persistence of the test were verified. The study found that the ability of language processing was good in normal students in the lexical and grammatical processing levels by using the (T-test) of differences between independent groups and acceptable in application and semantic processing, while the results showed that the rate of empowerment was (weak) in all the four levels in students with reading difficulties. Statistically significant differences were found (α = 0.05) between the two groups in favor of normal students. The study recommended continuous assessment of language processing skills in pre-school children to identify and address vulnerabilities and reduce subsequent reading difficulties, in addition to adopting the design of linguistic activities and developing teaching strategies for students with reading difficulties in accordance with their language processing level. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 201-217 T1 مستويات التجهيز اللغوي لدى تلميذات الصف الرابع الابتدائي من العاديات وذوات صعوبات التعلم القرائية [مقال] UL 2 محتوى العدد (PDF)