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A1 السعيدي، حنان أحمد AB The current study aimed at evaluating the content of primary six mathematics curriculum according to the national council of teachers' of mathematics standards in the United States of America (NCTM) and related to the five fields of content, which is: counting, processing, algebra, geometry, measuring, data analysis and possibilities and putting a suggested proposal for the content of mathematics curriculum in the light of the evaluation result. the research depends on analytic descriptive method and the participants consisted of subjects of mathematics curriculum in both first and second term. The research reached several results, among it the Compatibility of the content of the mathematics curriculum with the standards of (NCTM) varying in proportions and degrees ranging from highly compatible to incompatible. According to these results, some recommendations and suggestions were given. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 339-374 T1 تقويم محتوى منهج الرياضيات للصف السادس الإبتدائي في ضوء معايير المجلس القومي لمعلمي الرياضيات بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية (NCTM) [مقال] UL 1 النص الكامل (PDF)