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A1 المحتسب، عيسى محمد AB This study aimed at identifying the extent to which the cognitive style (flexibility-rigidity) and study procrastination contribute to predicting attitudes towards wall writings, and to identify the most common cognitive style (flexibility rigidity), the level of study procrastination and attitudes towards the wall writings, among a sample of tenth grade-students in Rafah governorate, in Gaza strip. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the possibility of gender differences in these three variables. The total study sample consisted of n = 350 male and female students in the tenth grade, with 174 male and 176 female students. Data was gathered by using the following three measures: cognitive style scale (CSS), the study procrastination scale (SPS), and the students attitudes towards wall writings (saw). The results showed that flexible compared to rigidity cognitive style, is more used and common among tenth grade students; and that the level of the study procrastination, attitudes towards wall writings, reached 67.9% and 60%, respectively. In addition, both cognitive style and study procrastination contributed together to predicting 63.2% of the variation in the attitudes towards the wall writings. Recommendations were put in light of these results. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 165-185 T1 الأسلوب المعرفي (المرونة - التصلب) والتسويف الدراسي كمنبئات باتجاهات طلبة الصف العاشر نحو الكتابات الجدارية [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1