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A1 طقش، حنان محمود A2 المساعدة، معتصم محمد سليم A2 يونس، نجاتي أحمد حسن AB This study aimed at identifying the attitudes of special education undergraduate students in the Jordanian public universities towards the role of special education in the society and towards working in their specialization in the light of variables: gender and academic level. In addition, it aimed to identify the special education categories that students prefer work with. Sample consisted of 461 male and female undergraduate students who were select randomly among special education undergraduate students the public universities in Jordan. A questionnaire was prepared to identify the students’ attitudes toward the role of special education in the society, students’ attitudes toward work in special education field and the preferred categories to work with. Findings showed that the students’ attitudes toward the role of special education role in society were positive while their attitudes towards working in special education field were neutral. Results showed the female’s attitudes were more positive than the male towards the role of special education in society and towards working with children special educational needs. Findings showed that there were statistical differences in the role of special education in society and working in the field in favor of those on the higher academic years. Results also showed that the preferred categories to work with were learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 701-732 T1 إتجاهات طلبة قسم التربية الخاصة في الجامعات الحكومية الأردنية نحو التربية الخاصة والعمل في مجال تخصصهم [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1