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A1 نوار، إيمان عبد الحميد محمد A2 محمود، حسين بشير A2 الموجي، أماني سعد الدين A2 عفيفي، أميمة محمد AB This research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using a proposed program based on self-learning in the development of Chemical Innovations Concepts among secondary school Science Clubs’ students. A list of Chemical Innovations’ concepts that could be developed through the proposed program. A program based on self-learning and a test of Chemical Innovations’ concepts were designed. The program was administered to the experimental group (n=240 students) from Eight schools in Four educational directorates in four governorates (Menouyia, Qalubia, Sharqyia and Cairo). The results of the research indicated the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing the concepts of Chemical Innovations among secondary stage Science Clubs’ students. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 103-130 T1 برنامج مقترح في المستحدثات الكيميائية قائم على التعلم الذاتي لتنمية مفاهيم المستحدثات الكيميائية لدى طلاب نوادي العلوم بالمرحلة الثانوية [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1