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A1 علي، عزة فتحي AB This research aim to gain criminal investigate officers ethical communication skills in dealing with citizens according to the accusation that directs to them with misconduct the citizens according to the old culture of the police that use violence to get the confessions & talkative evidence, because having this skill from: talking , listening & to understand correctly the body language which help them to get whatever they want easily & with legal scientific method which let them achieve emotional stability so they don’t have to use physical and verbal violence during their research in the crimes & its perpetrator which leads to the respect of the human rights of citizens & to the respect of citizens to the police . the results of the research confirmed effectiveness of the program & it have a huge impact in gaining the officers for this skills & huge impact on their emotional stability (through the scale of both : communication skills & emotional stability). (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 119-156 T1 برنامج تدریبي مقترح لضباط البحث الجنائي لتنمیة مهاراتهم في الإتصال الأخلاقي في التعامل مع المواطنین وعلاقته باتزانهم الإنفعالي [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1