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A1 الجريوي، سهام بنت سلمان محمد AB The current study aimed at identifying the effectiveness of using Skype in improving achievement of knowledge of skills of using Skype and electronic interaction among elementary students. An e-learning environment based on Skype, an achievement test for knowledge of skills of using Skype, an observation card for measuring e-interaction skills were prepared. Quasi experimental approach adopted to identify the impact of Skype on improving achievement and electronic interaction among 5th grade female elementary students. Results concluded that after using Skype, achievement of knowledge of using Skype and e-interaction skills improved among participants. The study recommended rephrasing the content of curricula of elementary stage to be compatible with web-based Skype procedures. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 162-200 T1 فاعلية برنامج سكايب (Skype) عبر الويب في تنمية تحصيل طالبات المرحلة الإبتدائية للمعرفة المرتبطة بمهارات البرنامج والتفاعل الإلكتروني لديهم [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1