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A1 إمام، سالي عزت إسماعيل A2 عبد الخالق، شادية أحمد A2 مصطفى، مصطفى الحسيني AB The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of a preventive program for those who at risk of developing early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in the light of psychological and physiological factors in the preparatory stage teachers. The sample of the study consisted of (20) teachers for the preparatory stage. The sample was divided into two experimental and control groups 10 parameters per group. The researcher used the following tools: 1) Battery measures risk factors for early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease this battery consists of: A) The measure of food behavior (preparation of the researcher). B) Life-style scale (researcher's preparation). C) the measure of stress and psychological stress (preparation researcher). 2) The Socio-Economic and Cultural Level Questionnaire (Prepared by Samia Al-Qattan - Asmaa Abdel-Wahab Amendment 2014). 3) Preventive program (preparation of researcher). (Published abstract OP ص ص. 355-378 T1 برنامج وقائي لخفض عوامل الخطر الإصابة بالأعراض المبكرة لمرض الزهايمر لدى معلمات المرحلة الإعدادية [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1