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A1 حسن، فارس مطشر A2 الخفاجي، حسين فليح مهدي AB The current research aims to evaluate the book of the language exercises for the fourth grade students and their compatibility with the specifications of the good textbook. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers surveyed the views of the teachers of the book through Questionnaire for the specifications and standards of the textbook and the extent of availability in the book concerned and after confirming the validity and stability of the research tool, the most important results- : 1) Textbook material is appropriate. 2) Check the book's specific educational objectives. 3) The language of the book mentioned is sound, clear and appropriate 4) The presentation of the book is appropriate and stimulates additional readings. 5) The specifications of the book output and the elements of the book are appropriate and good. (Published Abstract) OP ص ص. 185-198 T1 تقويم كتاب التدريبات اللغوية للصف الرابع الابتدائي من وجهة نظر المعلمين [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1