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A1 العبيدي، عبد الحسن عبد الأمير أحمد A2 غلام، عمر فاضل A2 جاسم، شهلة عزيز AB The subject of Arabic language was the centerpiece of the researchers' studies in the areas of teaching and learning particularly in written composition. They considered written composition as the core through which an individual connect with a group and express what he wants. It is one of the important goals in teaching Arabic language. It helps pupils to increase their success rates. Thus, this study aims to construct a scale that is accurate, objective and consistent to test writings of pupils at primary school. Also, the scale helps teachers to correct these writings and to give the pupils their marks without bais. The researchers construct a scale to correct written compositions through a number of stages, these are; the first stage: Collecting information through the researchers' knowledge of literature and previous studies in different stages of study. The second stage: Preparing the items of the scale: The researchers distributed the items of the scale according to fields which were 12 fields and there are about 2-7 items. The third stage: Distributing the grades of the items: They distributed the grades to the items of the scale according to their importance. The researchers distributed the grades equally 2 grades for each item. The fourth stage: Writing the key for correcting the scale: They write a key for correcting and it is divided into the domains and items of the scale in an accurate and objective way. It is worth mentioning that the researchers make use of literature in determining the items of the scale. They encourage other researchers in field of education to make use of this scale as well as the evaluation and diagnosis of the pupils' writings in the lesson of written composition. (Published Abstract) OP ص ص. 26-52 T1 بناء معيار لتصحيح التعبير التحريري لدى تلامذة المرحلة الإبتدائية [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1