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A1 هادي، أنوار مجيد AB Domestic violence is one of the most important types of violence. It is practiced within many families and leads to a large gap between the family members. The behavior of violence increases significantly in families that directly or indirectly promote all kinds of verbal, physical, sexual and psychological behavior. "The pressures of modern life, and the great differences between parents contribute to the increase in domestic violence, as well as individuals who come from low economic levels are more prone to violence in their daily interactions than families who do not solve their problems with violence" (Muhammad, 2007: 34) Our children are students in different families In terms of the cultural, scientific, social, economic and religious level of parents, which consider the domestic violence different views and this affects their school achievement in the school. The current research aims to: 1) Identification of domestic violence among middle school students. 2) The extent to which domestic violence contributes to the overall disparity of the academic achievement among middle school students. The researcher adopted the theory of social learning (Albert Bandora) and adopted a glorious measure from the University of Diyala on her mission (family violence and its relation to the request for guidance assistance among middle school students). The scale was presented to the experts and verified the validity of the scale. Statistical (SPSS) results were as follows: 1) The presence of domestic violence in the current research sample. 2) That the variance of domestic violence contributes to the variable dependent rate (academic achievement) by in other words, (% 9,8) the relationship is inverse in the sense that the higher the level of family violence, the lower the educational achievement. Conversely, the lower the level of family violence, the higher the educational achievement. Based on the results, the researcher recommends the following: Study of family violence extensively and to include all grades from kindergarten to university, causing many damage to the individual. (Published abstract) OP ص ص. 1-16 T1 العنف الأسري وعلاقته بالتحصيل الدراسي [مقال] UL النص الكامل (PDF) 1