AU - الطويني، سلطان علي AB - A cross sectional study of 162 students sample, targeted high education level, or what so called 4th level of, composed of 38 students or otherwise 37% were males, and 124 or otherwise 63% were females, with average age 20.5 ±3.3 years. This study was conducted on November 2016 ended the last week of march 2017 in Zwarah city which is located 110 Km west to the capital of Libya Tripoli city, north Africa. A self-constructed anonymous questioner close end was used to evaluate the level of oral health cognation. The results were assessed and analyzed by means of using IBM software SPSS virgin 24. The aim of the study is to assess the oral health attitude of the targeted students on Likert scale, as well as to determine the compatibility and the agreement between their attitude towards oral health, and their response to certain specific statements related to the student's oral health education level Test, by means of Cohen Kappa test, using SPSS software kit virgin 24. The Results: the positive response to certain positions attitudes regarding tooth brushing aids and tooth paste, and to certain symptoms of carries and gingival disease, but unfortunately they were very week according to Liker scale we authorized in our study. The compatibility between attitude of the students and their wright selection to the statements used in oral health test was below zero. We concluded that the result we came up with doesn't reflects that the position of the students is coincide with their level of oral health education. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 179-200 T1 - المستوى الوجداني لصحة الفم والأسنان : دراسة سيسيوطبية مطبقة على طلاب التعليم العالي بمدينة زوارة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1