AU - حماد، فردي AU - وسيلة، بلغنامي نجاة AU - يحياوي، فاطنة AB - أدى التقدم في وسائل التقنية من خلال وسائل تكنولوجيات المعلومات والاتصال الى الانتقال إلى الإقتصاد الشبكي الرقمي المفتوح، حيث اصبح لزاما على مؤسسة الغد ان تكون قادرة على العمل باعتماد الانترنت وشبكة المعلومات والاتصال للتقليل من تكاليف التشغيل، حجم العمالة وتعظيم الاستثمارات التي تتطلب تكنولوجيا عالية. عليه تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية الى ابراز دور وماهية تكنولوجيات المعلومات والاتصال وفوائدها في المنظومة التعليمية باستعراض وتحديد المكونات الأساسية لها ونظم تشغيلها. ثم شرح أهميتها في مجال خدمات التعليم العالي من أجل إكساب الطالب مهارة التعامل مع شبكة الانترنت لتقديم الخدمات المعلوماتية المختلفة تقوم على بيئة تعليمية تفاعلية الكترونية. في الاخير نستعرض ملامح اللحاق بالركب المعلوماتي لتجربة الجامعة الجزائرية في مجال هذا النوع من التعليم من خلال بعض الانجازات على سبيل الذكر وليس الحصر: ومكتبات إلكترونية، شبكة المحاضرات المرئية، نظام التعليم عن بعد (RN COSELEA)، الشبكة الجزائرية للبحث (ARN)، المرافقة الالكترونية للأساتذة الجدد الى جانب مرافقة سياسات اصلاح هياكل التعليم العالي مشروع (IDE) الممول من طرف الاتحاد الأوروبي غيرها من الوسائط التعليمية، المؤتمرات المسموعة والمواقع الإلكترونية، حيث استخدمنا المنهج الوصفي لبناء الإطار النظري وأسلوب المقارنة لمراحل التعليم العالي. (الملخص المنشور) AB - Advances in technology through the means of information and communication technologies have led to a transition to an open digital network economy, as it has become necessary for the future company to be able to work by adopting the Internet and the information and communication network to reduce operating costs, the volume of labor and maximize the investments that require high technology. Therefore, this research paper aims to highlight the role and definition of information and communication technologies and their benefits in the educational system by reviewing and defining the basic components of it and its operating systems. Then we explained its importance in the field of higher education services in order to provide the student with the skill of dealing with the Internet to provide various information services based on an interactive electronic learning environment. In the latter we review the features of catching up with the information field of the Algerian university experience in the field of this type of education through some achievements, for example. And not limited to: electronic libraries, video lecture network, distance learning system (COSELEARN), Algerian Network for Research (ARN), electronic escort for new professors as well as accompanying policies for reforming higher education structures (IDE project funded by the European Union) and other educational media, audio conferences and websites, where we used the descriptive approach to build the theoretical framework and method of comparison for the phases of higher education. The problematic of research: In light of the above, the following problematic can be formulated: How does information technologies affect to up the level of electronic education in Algeria? To clarify the more problematic of our research, we ask the following sub-questions: 1) What do we mean by information technologies and elearning? 2) What are the requirements for e-learning? 3) What are the benefits for the company as a result of using information technologies on the profitability and effectiveness of higher education institutions? The structure of the study: At light of the presented problematic, we decided to divide the structure of our study into three main axes: 1. The first axis: introduction to information and communication technologies where we review its concept. Its characteristics, its most important components, and its application areas. - 97 – 2. The second axis is related to the theoretical original of e-learning and the fields of application of information and communication technologies in this sector. 3. The third axis: includes a descriptive approach to Algeria's experience in this, through exposure to the most important achievements, prospects and challenges. The importance of the research: The importance of this research can be limited to the following points: 1) Give a clear vision of the concept of e-learning and information and communication technologies. 2) Create an interactive electronic learning environment to promote education and educational attainment for students. 3) Building effective work teams to invest knowledge assets in a modern style adopted by higher education institutions to better transfer and exchange experiences, and better manage dialogue and educational seminars. Study results: The research results are summarized as follows: 1) Modernizing the intellectual and knowledge environment in the university by providing effective and appropriate knowledge and information to enter - 98 - the university into the world of information and take advantage of its advanced systems such as electronic universities and virtual universities to enrich innovative Intellectual. 2) Supporting the educational system with local, national and international networks linking different parties in order to reach the knowledge society. Finding common values and goals among educational institutions in order to create a common organizational culture based on technology as an indicator of success and quality. (Published Abstract) OP - ص ص. 93-127 T1 - التعليم الإلكتروني في الجزائر : بين الإنجاز والآفاق [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1