AU - يوسف، زينب صلاح محمود AB - هدف البحث إلى دراسة دور جامعة المنوفية في نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال كما يدركه شباب الجامعة وعلاقته بمهارات القيادة الريادية والاتجاهات نحو المشروعات الصغيرة في ضوء رؤية مصر 2030. وتمثلت أدوات البحث في استمارة البيانات الأولية لشباب الجامعة، واستبيان دور جامعة المنوفية في نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال كما يدركه شباب الجامعة، واستبيان مهارات القيادة الريادية للشباب واستبيان اتجاهات الشباب نحو المشروعات الصغيرة. وقد تم تطبيق أدوات البحث على (364) من شباب جامعة المنوفية، واتبع البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وأشارت أهم نتائج البحث إلى أن هناك 50.5% من شباب الجامعة عينة البحث لديهم مستوى مرتفع في إدراك دور جامعة المنوفية في نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال مقابل 35.7%، 13.7% للمستوى المتوسط والمنخفض على الترتيب. كما أشارت النتائج لوجود علاقة ارتباطية ذات دلالة إحصائية بين كلا من دور جامعة المنوفية في نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال كما يدركه شباب الجامعة ومهارات القيادة الريادية واتجاهات الشباب نحو المشروعات الصغيرة في ضوء رؤية مصر 2030 عند مستوى دلالة أقل من 0.01. ومن أهم توصيات البحث إعادة النظر في البرامج الأكاديمية والمقررات الدراسية الحالية بجامعة المنوفية لربطها بريادة الأعمال، تصميم وتنفيذ البرامج التدريبية لشباب الجامعة لتنمية مهارات القيادة الريادية والاتجاهات الإيجابية نحو المشروعات الصغيرة والعمل الحر في ضوء رؤية مصر 2030. (الملخص المنشور) AB - The main objective of the research is to study the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship as perceived by the university’s youth and its relationship to entrepreneurial leadership skills and attitudes towards small projects in the light of Egypt’s vision 2030, Determining the level of university youth as the research sample in both realizing the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial leadership skills and attitudes towards small projects in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030, studying the differences in both the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial leadership skills and attitudes Towards small projects in the light of Egypt’s vision 2030 according to some social and economic variables. Design a proposed vision for the mechanisms for spreading the culture of entrepreneurship within Menoufia University. The research tools were the primary data form for university youth, the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship as perceived by university youth questionnaire, and youth leadership skills questionnaire, youth’s attitudes towards small projects. The research tools were applied to (364) young men of Menoufia University who were chosen in a deliberate and purposeful manner from final years and postgraduate students. The research followed the descriptive analytical approach, and the data was unloaded, and classified, and the appropriate statistical treatments were used through the SPSS statistical program. The most important results of the research indicated that there are 50.5% of university youth in the research sample who have a high level of awareness of the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship compared to 35.7% and 13.7% for the medium and low level, respectively, and there are 72.5 % of university youth in the research sample have a high level of entrepreneurial leadership skills compared to 21.4% and 6.1% for the medium and low level, respectively. Also, there are 49.7% of university youth in the research sample who have a high level of attitudes towards small projects, Compared to 47% and 3.3% for the medium and low level in the attitudes, respectively. The results of the statistical hypotheses of the research also indicated the existence of a statistically significant correlation between the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship as realized by the university’s youth and the entrepreneurial leadership skills and the youth’s attitudes towards small projects in the light of Egypt’s 2030 vision at a significance level of less than 0.01. Statistically significant between some of the social and economic variables of the research and the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship as realized by university youth, entrepreneurial leadership skills and youth attitudes towards small projects in the light of Egypt’s 2030 vision. The results of the research also showed that the independent variables under study combined (the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship, educational level, housing environment, gender, mother’s educational level, family income) explain 62.7% of the variance in the entrepreneurial leadership skills of university youth, and that the independent variables under research collectively represented in (the role of Menoufia University in spreading the culture of entrepreneurship, housing environment, gender, educational level of the father) explain 31% of the variation in the attitudes of Menoufia University youth towards small projects, and a proposed scenario for the mechanisms of spreading the culture of entrepreneurship within Menoufia University , Among the most important recommendations of the research is the enactment of laws and legislation necessary to enhance entrepreneurial skills and integrating them into educational institutions to raise the efficiency of youth, reconsidering the academic programs and current academic courses at Menoufia University to link them to entrepreneurship, and including the course of entrepreneurship as a mandatory course for all university students within the study plan of all educational programs, activating the role of home and institutional management specialists in designing and implementing training programs for university youth to develop entrepreneurial leadership skills and positive attitudes towards small projects and to modify misconceptions and the prevailing culture among youth about small projects and self-employment and its value in society in light of Egypt’s 2030 vision. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 879-981 T1 - دور جامعة المنوفية في نشر ثقافة ريادة الأعمال كما يدركه شباب الجامعة وعلاقته بمهارات القيادة الريادية والاتجاهات نحو المشروعات الصغيرة في ضوء رؤية مصر 2030 [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1