AU - عبد الغني، هشام منير AU - محمود، أشرف محمود أحمد AU - عطا، رجب أحمد AB - The study has aimed to detect the reality of planning for the succession of administrative leaders in the Directorate of Education in the Red Sea Governorate in the light of Rothwell Model of career succession. I have used the descriptive method and applied a questionnaire to (145) directors of educational administrations and quality departments and heads of departments in the directorate office and the educational administrations of Ras Ghareb, Hurghada, Safaga and Al Quesir. The reality of planning for the succession of administrative leaders in the Directorate of Education in the Red Sea Governorate in the light of Rothwell Model for the career succession from the point of view of the directors of the educational administrations and quality departments and the heads of departments has come in a high degree with a relative weight (3.40). The topics (axes) are listed in order: The fourth axis: The evaluation of future work requirements has come in the first place with a relative weight of (3.48), with a high degree. The seventh axis: The evaluation of leadership succession planning programs ranked second, with a relative weight of (3.43), with a high degree. The sixth axis: Bridging the development gap (human development) ranked third, with a relative weight of (3.42), with a high degree. The first axis: The commitment of leadership makers to the management system, succession planning and program building, ranked fourth, with a relative weight of (3.41), with a high degree. The second axis: The evaluation of the current work and the requirements of individuals in the fifth place, with relative weight of (3.40), with a high degree. The third axis: The evaluation of individual performance for all employees came in the sixth place, with a relative weight of (3.37), with a medium degree. The fifth axis: The evaluation of individual future potentials in the seventh and last place, with a relative weight of (3.33), with a medium degree. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 297-359 T1 - واقع التخطيط لتعاقب القيادات الإدارية بمديرية التربية والتعليم بمحافظة البحر الأحمر في ضوء نموذج روثويل للتعاقب الوظيفي : دراسة ميدانية [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1