AU - شعبان، خالد محمد
AB - A research entitled "differences in accepting the other according to emotional intelligence" based on a sample of adolescents aiming at searching the factors that may control the attitude of accepting the other according to gender, accommodation, scientific study, economic and social levels. It also aims at finding out the differences with statistical evidence to the change of accepting the other according to the influence of the factors mentioned above. It also aims at knowing the connected links between the statistical evidence and the emotional intelligence. These samples include (216) students, (116) males, (100) females. The research used the emotional intelligence measures with several factors for adolescents (prepared by Alaa Eldin Kafafe and Fouad Eldwash) and the measurement of accepting the others (prepared by the researcher). The results revealed that there was no statistical difference among the average grades of the students according to different gender, there were no differences according to the accommodation (rural or urban areas). There was no difference among students according to the field of study (scientific or literary) in their response to the measure of accepting the other for adolescents. However, there were some differences among students with statistical measure by 0.01 among students with families of high or low income in the way they accept the other. There was statistical difference among students due to the reaction according to gender, accommodation, studying field, economic and social levels. there was a connected positive link at a level of 0.01 between the factors affected of accepting the others and the emotional intelligence. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 1-57
T1 - الفروق في تقبل الآخر وفقا لمتغير الذكاء الوجداني لدى عينة من الطلاب المراهقين [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1