AU - الصغير، لمياء أحمد محمد AB - The aim of this study was to develop the life skills (professional skills - scientific skills - self-skills - coexistence skills) of the kindergarten children in the light of the 2.0 curriculum through a program based on educational scaffolding. The main question of the study was "What is the effectiveness of educational scaffolding in developing life skills for kindergarten children in the light of the 2.0 approach? The researcher used the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design. The sample included 60 children (boys and girls) of the second level (5-6 years). They were divided randomly into two groups: the control group including (14) boys and (16); and the experimental group including (15) boys and (15) girls. The study used as its instrument an illustrated scale in of life skills for the kindergarten children (prepared by the researcher). This scale was pre- and post-administered to verify its validity its stability. Then, the researcher applied an educational scaffolding program designed to develop some life skills for the kindergarten children in the light of the 2.0 curriculum (prepared by the researcher). The results of the study showed the experimental group excelled the control group in the post-administration of the illustrated scale of life skills for kindergarten children. The study recommended the need of adopting educational scaffolding in building the child's personality, and also training those interested in the childhood stage to use it to develop the children 's life skills in the light of the 2.0 curriculum. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 43-85 T1 - فعالية برنامج قائم على السقالات التعليمية في تنمية المهارات الحياتية لدى طفل الروضة في ضوء منهج 2.0 [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1