AU - مهدي، هبة أحمد AU - التميمي، محمود كاظم محمود AB - Emotional deprivation has a very big impact on the adolescent’s personality and actions in terms of his sense of security, belonging and love for those around him, and that the lack or deprivation of the individual of love and kindness results in a person who is indifferent to his actions and always seeks rebellion and aggression and does not comply with values and social and moral systems and becomes a person unable to adapt With his society, he is an abnormal person and needs help. Therefore, the researcher wanted to study this problem, and the problem can be formulated by the following question (what is the relationship of emotional deprivation with the moral character of middle school students), and the most prominent objectives of the research were measuring emotional deprivation among middle school students and measuring the moral character of middle school students, and knowing the relationship between emotional deprivation and personality Ethics among middle school students. The emotional deprivation and the moral personality have been explained by several theories, and the researcher has adopted the interactive theory of Berne, which sees that a person’s exposure to negative events external to his control, such as separation, loss or deprivation, generates emotional deprivation, and the Rist theory, which emphasized that the moral personality consists of several components that the person must The research sample was chosen from middle school students (second grade) in Diyala Governorate / Baquba District, as (5) schools were randomly selected, and the research sample consisted of (50) female students distributed among five students, and to achieve the goals The current research adopted a scale (Al-Salihi, 2005) to measure emotional deprivation, and the researcher adopted her scale (Mahdi, 2018) to measure moral personality. The researcher recommended, including directing families to emotionally caring for their children, due to the negative effects of emotional deprivation on the children's personality, and the researcher suggested conducting a follow-up study to find out the extent of the continued deprivation Emotional in the different academic stages and conduct a study linking the study variables with other variables, for example linking the moral personality variable with the psychological immunity variable. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 540-556 T1 - الحرمان العاطفي وعلاقته بالشخصية الأخلاقية لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1