AU - سلطان، مياسة إسماعيل AU - صالح، صالح مهدي AB - The current study aims at building a suggested counseling program based on the organizational approach to reduce self-defeat among intermediate stage female students. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the researcher built a self-defeating Scale as a tool for measuring and diagnosing self-defeat of the intermediate stage students, which was built according to (Johnson, 2008). The Current study was limited to the female Students of the intermediate stage morning Study for public schools in the district of AL-Khalis of the Directorate General of Diyala Governorate Education, for the academic year 2019-2020. The research sample consisted of (400) Students who were randomly Selected from the total research Community (4517). Concerning the theoretical framework, the researcher reviewed a number of theories that dealt with the concept of variable research (Self-defeat). The psychometric properties of the scale were extracted after it was presented to a number of referees in educational psychology and measurement evaluation, who Confirmed the validity of applying the Scale. The face and constructive Validity of the measure was achieved. As for the reliability, it was extracted in two ways, namely, re-testing, it reached (0.82) degrees on the scale of self-defeat. As for the Alpha Cronbach method, the reliability coefficient was (0.85) on a scale of self-defeat. The measure, in its final form, consisting of (30) items, was applied to the research sample consisting of (400) intermediate school students. In analyzing the research data, the researcher used the Statistical Analysis Program (SPSS) for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The following statistical methods were also used : (T- test for two independent samples, Cronbach alpha equation, Pearson correlation coefficient, Chi-square test), and then the researcher came up with a number of recommendations and suggestions. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 32-62 T1 - الإنهزام الذاتي لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1