AU - الخميسي، عبد السلام حسين
AB - The study aimed at rationing the World Health Organization's Brief' Quality of Life' Scale on a sample of students from Sana'a University. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used. In addition, the Short Quality of Life Scale (Arabized by Ahmed, 2008) was applied on a sample of (400) students from Sana'a University. Henceforth, the parameters of integrity and stability were extracted: the parameters of discriminating validity were high as the (t) value was (36.56), the parameters of internal consistency ranged between (0.302 - 0.515), Alpha-Cronbach coefficient of the scale was (0.880), and consistency parameter of the scale via retesting method was (0.886). These were high values, indicating that the scale has high validity and consistency parameters. Moreover, it was concluded that there was no differences in the total score between males and females. Through the results, the researcher reached a number of recommendations and suggestions. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 283-312
PB - الحديدة جامعة الحديدة. كلية التربية 2022
PP - الحديدة جامعة الحديدة. كلية التربية 2022
SN - 26173158
SN - 2710107X
SN - 27100324
T1 - تقنين مقياس جودة الحياة المختصر الصادر عن منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHOQOL-BREF) على عينة من طلبة جامعة صنعاء بالجمهورية اليمنية [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1
YR - الحديدة جامعة الحديدة. كلية التربية 2022