AU - عامر، سامح عبد المطلب إبراهيم
AB - The effect of organizational creation on the development of organizational performance in the general education schools- pre-university (Cairo Governorate) this study aims at inquiring (recognizing) the statue of Organizational Creation and the Organizational Performance for the Principals of General Education Schools. Also focus in the light the definition of Organizational Creation and Organizational Performance as well as the requirements of its development, as approach to develop the performance in the General Education Schools. This study depends on the descriptive approach method to identify the logic state of organizational creation and organizational Performance and used the questionnaire as a tool to analyze the responses of study society, the sample consists of 291 items among the school of Cairo Governorate. The most important findings results that had been revealed by this study, there are relation between all the variables of study (Creation of investment- Creation of Exploration) and (Leadership and policies, procedures and decision taking and professional development) Above all this study has revealed set of Suggestions , the most important are : Managing the Operations of investment inside and outside schools, as well as the investment of all the material resources and information as ,buildings, media, tools the already existed but had not been used , also the encourage of all workers in the schools to s- operate and participate, and convey the achieve and realize the best performance described by wisdom and continuously to all the trends towards the future. (Published Abstract)
OP - ص ص. 211-289
T1 - أثر البراعة التنظيمية على تطوير الأداء التنظيمي بمؤسسات التعليم العام قبل الجامعي بالتطبيق على محافظة القاهرة [مقال]
UL - 1 النص الكامل (PDF)