AU - درياس، ليلى AU - مزوز، بركو AU - عدوان، يوسف AU - أحمان، لبنى AU - صلاح الدين، تغليت AU - عزوز، أسمهان AU - قدوري، يوسف AB - The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of the relation between the healthy eat behavior and the quality of life related nutrition on a sample of superior pupils from Batna’s secondary school , by checking the following hypothesis: We expect a higher level of healthy eat behavior. We expect a normal distribution of healthy eat behavior. There were no significant differences in healthy eat behavior according to : gender, age, economic level and parent’s educational level. The body satisfaction and body mass index affects the healthy eat behavior. The parent’s intention and nutrition education programs affects the healthy eat behavior. The sample has a high level of quality of life related nutrition in all its dimensions The demographics variables (age interval, gender, economic level, parent’s educational level) do not make differences in quality of life related nutrition in all its dimensions. There is a significant effect of health status, pocket -money, physical activity and BMI in quality of life related nutrition. There is a significant effect of health eat behavior in quality of life related nutrition. The study contains three samples for the preliminary studies and one for the fundamental study, a healthy eat behavior and quality of life related nutrition questionnaires developed and validated by the searcher were applied to the sample of 318 superior pupils (14-18 years) randomly recruited from Batna ‘s secondary school, it was found most pupils with average levels of healthy eat behavior following a normal distribution, within no differences between gender , and with some differences in favor of older age groups. it was also clear from the results that there was no significant effect of body satisfaction, body mass index or their interaction on the practices of healthy eat behavior, while it was fond that there was a positive and significant effect of the parent’s intention. It was found that half of the sample has a high level of quality of life related nutrition and the only differences was in social axe in different age groups. the results of ordinal logistic regression showed the effect of both health status and body mass index of improving the quality of life related nutrition, the multiple linear regression allowed the detection of healthy eating behavior that have a main effect on quality of life related nutrition. (Author’s abstract) OP - 269ص. T1 - جودة الحياة لدى المتفوقين في ضوء السلوك الغذائي الصحي [رسالة / أطروحة] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1