AU - البلوي، فاطمة أحمد حميد
AU - رخا، محمد عبد الوهاب إبراهيم
AB - The study aimed at determining the level of organizational health (oh) at secondary schools and its relation with job satisfaction among female teachers in Tabuk city according to the following variables (specialization, years of experience, and the type of the schools). The study used the descriptive survey method and made use of both the survey and relational methods to determine the level of organizational health at secondary schools in Tabuk city on basis of the teachers' points of view and the degree of job satisfaction. The sample included 423 secondary schools’ female teachers who was chosen randomly from the original community (1317) in schools’ female teachers. The research tool of the study was a questionnaire. The validity of the research tool and its consistency were verified. The study results: the overall average of the organizational health at secondary schools in Tabuk was high, there was a statically significant correlation between the level of organizational health and the level of job satisfaction and the level of job satisfaction was high as well, there are no statically significant differences at (a≥0.05) between the averages of the female teachers' responses regarding the level of organizational health. This can be attributed to the variable of years of experience, there are no statically significant differences at (a≥0.05) between the averages of the female teachers' responses regarding the level of job satisfaction in relevance to (job satisfaction, satisfaction about human relationships, the dimensions altogether). This can be attributed to the years of experience. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 1-45
T1 - الصحة التنظيمية في المدارس الثانوية وعلاقتها بالرضا الوظيفي لدى المعلمات بمدينة تبوك [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1