AU - بن جمعه، أريج بنت محمد بن سالم بن سليمان AU - الجهني، مريم بنت عقيل AU - الأختر، محمد بن عبد الحليم AU - الأحمدي، سميرة بنت عوض AB - The talent is a gift from Allah's gifts for his servants who have been chosen by him and there are few, he makes them able to find care and attention of success and excellence abnormal in a specific field or more in life fields. And show that among them best scientists, thinkers, reformers, innovators and inventors who the government depends on them in its civilization progress and lining up with developed countries. So, the talented administration of Madinah wants to study the reality of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator existence in the public schools of Madinah. The study aims to know the reality of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator existence in the public schools of Madinah. And the researchers used the descriptive survey method and defined the study problem in the following questions: 1) what is the role of the talented schoolgirls' coordinators in the public schools of Madinah? 2) What are the reasons of weakness role of the talented schoolgirls' coordinators in the public schools of Madinah? 3) What are the suitable solutions to improve the talented schoolgirls' coordinators role in the public schools of Madinah? 4) Are there significant differences of the significance level less than 0,05 between the averages of students and teachers responses (talented schoolgirls' coordinators) the female educational leaders about the talented schoolgirls' coordinator's role at the school in the light of school type (public – private) and school location (inside the city – outside the city)? The current study found the following findings: 1) the importance role of talented schoolgirls' coordinator at the public, private and memorization of the holy Quran schools. 2) Low level of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator role inside the educational schools generally in all study stages. 3) There are statistical significant differences at the significance level less than (0,05) among the sample responses of the schoolgirls around the verification level of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator role at the schools related to the targeted group type (talented schoolgirls – talented schoolgirls' coordinators – educational leaders). 4) There are no statistical differences at the significance level less than (0.05) among the study sample responses of the coordinator teachers and educational leaders around the verification level of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator at the schools caused by the differences of school types. 5) There are statistically significant differences at the significance level less than (0,05) among the sample responses of schoolgirls around the verification level of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator role at the schools related to the school location (inside the city – outside the city). 6) There are no statistical differences at the significance level less than (0.05) among the study sample responses of the schoolgirls around the verification level of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator role at the schools related to the differences of school type (public school – private school). The researcher recommended the following: 1) the necessity of making the talented schoolgirls' coordinator in the talented classrooms school must be assigned, and the importance of that is to deal with the largest segment of the talented schoolgirls and what the class imposed of presenting enrichment programs and observing the programs presented by other classrooms teachers in order to upgrade the talented schoolgirls level in addition to their assignments as the talented schoolgirls' coordinator at the school in applying competitions and incoming programs to them. 2) Determining classes quorum of the talented schoolgirls' coordinator in all schools with fewer than her colleagues with (6) classes in the week to be able in presenting skills that should develop the mental capacities of the talented schoolgirls at the schools. 3) Specialty of a talented coordinator must be existed at the all schools to support and assist the schoolgirl in order to participate in the scientific competitions. 4) The talented schoolgirls' coordinator should not be assigned with any other activity but the assigned tasks to her with the ability of granting her the class leader. 5) Activating web portal of the talented administration to access the depth of schools and the coordinators achievements at their schools must be observed in order to facilitate the urgent direction process of coordinator's work at the school. 6) Increasing the number of partnership schools (partnership between the ministry of education and the talent enterprise) for the public schools because it has a benefit that reflects on the talented schoolgirls. This benefit showed by the high rate of the schoolgirls participation in the programs and competitions discussed at the partnership school. 7) Targeting schools that achieved high level at the talented schoolgirls' coordinator role by schoolgirls' responses to open the talented schoolgirls' classes in the next year (1437 – 1438 A.H.). 8) Professional development that based on the ministerial decision for all educational stages of the talented schoolgirls' coordinators generally and the schools’ coordinators of the talented classrooms especially. 9) The ministerial programs depend on other than the enrichment programs such as (competitions, be creative program, and creativity industry) for the primary schools. 10) Warning the talented schoolgirls' coordinators and the educational leaders about the necessity of accuracy and credibility within answering the questionnaires. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 1-34 إنما 414-447 T1 - دراسة دور منسقات الموهوبات في مدارس التعليم العام في منطقة المدينة المنورة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1