AU - ملحم، سامي محمد AU - أبو غوش، سناء AU - الحراحشة، علاء أحمد AU - أبو حسين، الحارث AU - كنعان، رائد AU - درويش، هيثم AB - This study aims to identify the mediating role of organizational culture in the effect of working values on career choice among Jordanian universities’ students. The study population consists of (1028) Jordanian universities’ students. The researcher used descriptive approach in this study and the questionnaire is adopted as a tool for study and data collection. The research questionnaires are analyzed using a number of statistical methods by Statistical Programs for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study concludes that there is a statistically significant effect at the level of (α = 0.05) of the mediating role of organization culture (bureaucratic culture, creative culture, supporting culture, culture of the role) in the effect of working values (affiliation, motivation, social and economic values, &priority work) on career choice (self, personal, social, economic, cultural) among Jordanian universities’ students. The results show a statically significant effect of the mediating role of organization culture (bureaucratic culture, creative culture, supporting culture, culture of the role) in the effect of working values (affiliation, motivation, social and economic values, & priority work) on career choice (self, personal, social, economic, and cultural) among Jordanian universities’ students. The study concludes the need for senior management to Jordanian universities effective vision in highlighting the mediating role of organization culture (bureaucratic culture, creative culture, supporting culture, culture of the role) in the effect of working values (affiliation, motivation, social and economic values, & priority work) on career choice (self, personal, social, economic, and cultural) among Jordanian universities’ students. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 150-178 T1 - الدور الوسيط للثقافات التنظيمية في تأثير قيم العمل على الاختيار المهني لدى طلبة الجامعات الأردنية [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1