AU - الشيخ، فضل المولى عبد الرضي AU - العجيل، إزدهار الرفاعي عثمان AB - This study aims at investigation achievement motivation among Sudanese's north state basic school pupils and compare it with some international indicator. In this study descriptive methods were used; population of this study consist of all Sudanese's north state basic school pupils (males and females) at 4 level to 8 level (second and third stages). Sample of this study used by random sample method, and consist of 499 pupils (250 males, 249 females). The achievement motivation questionnaire, which structure by Laynn, 1969, Smith, 1973 was used to measure achievement motivation. Analyses reveal Sudanese's north state basic school pupils have high achievement motivation compare with international indicators. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 25-38 T1 - دافعية الإنجاز لدي تلاميذ الأساس بالولاية الشمالية بالسودان : الحلقتين الثانية والثالثة [مقال] UL - محتوى العدد (PDF) 1