AU - داود، هالة أديب AB - This research aims to recognize the impact of Perkins and Blythe model on higher thinking skills of medium grade two female students in science course. The researcher formulated the null hypothesis as follow: “There are no statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) level between average scores of the experimental group, while studied via Perkins and Blythe model and average scores of control group which used the traditional method”. The researcher followed the experimental approach, and the experimental design, which contains two groups, which are: the experimental and control groups. The experimental approach is very close to research approach that solve problems in a scientific way. The study population consists female students of Karkoush School affiliated to public education directorate in Ninawah governorate of medium grade two. The sample of the study were (60) female students. That was distributed equally to the two groups. The results show that the experimental group using Perkins and Blythe model outperformed the control group in post-test of higher thinking skills. Many concluding, suggestions and recommendations have been provided too. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 417-436 T1 - أثر نموذج بيركينز وبلايث في مهارات التفكير العليا في مادة العلوم لدى طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1