AU - المحمدي، أماني أحمد AB - As we live now in a knowledge based economy, skills of graduated students no longer fit the requirements of jobs in the work place. It is therefore, education is required to review the goals to supply students by skills needed in the 21st century. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of teaching science using differentiated instruction on developing achievement, creative skills, critical thinking skills, and communication skills for fourth grade female primary pupils. Through a review of literature, instruments were developed. It included achievement test, creative skills scale, critical thinking scale and communication skills observation form. Teacher guide and pupils work sheets were also developed. Following quasi-experimental paradigm consisting of a control group and an experimental group, the control group was taught by the traditional way of teaching while the experimental group was taught by differentiation instruction. Sampling was randomly selected. Instruments were applied pre and post the experimental treatment. Findings showed the superiority of pupils of the experimental group. This indicates the effectiveness of differentiating instruction on developing science achievement, creative skills, critical skills, and communication skills. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 159-208 T1 - فاعلیة تدریس العلوم باستخدام التعلیم المتمایز في تنمیة التحصیل ومهارات الإبداع والتفكیر الناقد والتواصل لدى تلمیذات الصف الرابع الإبتدائي [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1