AU - محمد، عباس بلة محمد AB - The study aimed at exploring reasons that behind School director nearing some teacher to him and eliminating other. And the reflection of this behavior upon the School performance, from the view point of the school –director. The researcher has used the descriptive method on the population which contain(60) school director at the general Education ,who were joining training Corse in at faculty at Education at umm El- qura University in (1435-1436).The Researcher used all the population in this training course as an intended sample .The researcher used the questionnaire as the tool of the study to collect the data .In statistical treatment, the researcher has adopted the percentage and the mean. The study had achieved the following result: The reasons that relative to the desirable administrative characteristics of teacher gain approval high degree of mean (4.46).The reasons that relative to the desirable professional characteristics of teacher gain approval high degree of mean (4.08).The reasons that relative to the desirable personal characteristics gain approval high degree of mean (3.63).The reasons that relative to the individual characteristics of teacher which have not a direct relation with the work , gain a weak of approval mean (2.16). The negative results of nearing some teacher and eliminating other: Negative effect on the students with middle degree (3.32). Negative effect on teacher with middle degree (3.25) .Negative effect on the work with middle degree (3.13).The study came at some recommendations: The importance of individual differences between the teacher when dealing with them .paying attention for respectful and estimating the teachers capability , motivating them to do one’s best which affect positively of the work. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 221-256 T1 - تقریب مدیر المدرسة لبعض المعلمین وإبعاده للبعض : الأسباب والأثر من وجهة نظر المدیرین [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1