AU - الدسوقي، وفاء صلاح الدين إبراهيم AB - The current study investigated the effect of teaching with the use of synchronous virtual classroom on self-esteem and learning attitude which is based on synchronous virtual classroom. The participants are 17 first year students of private diploma at faculty of specific education, Minia University. These students are specialized in instruction technology. The study was conducted in the first semester of the academic year 2013/2014. To achieve the aims of this study, the researcher used two research methods: the quasi-experimental method and the associative descriptive method. Self-esteem was measured using Ahmed Mohamed Saleh scale (1995) modified by Rebee Abdo Rashwan (2006). Learning attitude was measured through Synchronous Virtual Classroom learning using a scale which was prepared by the researcher. The two scales were applied prelearning and post-learning. Results demonstrated that learning through Synchronous Virtual Classroom leads to raise self-esteem level and learning attitude in the study sample. Also the results showed statistically significant relation between the levels of self-esteem and learning attitude. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 123-148 T1 - أثر التدریس باستخدام الفصل الإفتراضي المتزامن في تقدیر الذات والاتجاه نحو التعلم من خلاله لدى طلاب الدبلوم الخاص [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1