AU - حميد، سلمى مجيد AU - محمد، هبة حميد وادي AB - The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of a specimen learning generative in the collection of students fourth grade prep in history, and use the experimental method in order to achieve the aim of the research was conducted the experiment, which lasted for an entire semester for the academic year 2012-2013 as the researcher has chosen the middle of the Iraqi girls in Khalis city to apply the experience and identified research sample (82 students) by (41) a student of the experimental group, and (41) a student of the control group, has been rewarded groups in the variables (chronological age measured in months, educational attainment of parents, degrees of half-year for the academic year 2012-2013, grades IQ test) and adopted researcher experimental design with a control micro the post test for the two sets of research, has started the experiment in 03.06.2013 and lasted until the day 09.05.2013 and after the completion of the experiment results were analyzed statistically using the test samples t for two independent samples t-test, and the results showed superiority of the experimental group who studied the use of a specimen on generative learning control group students who studied in the usual way in the achievement test: 1) generative learning model that has proven its effectiveness and superiority over the usual way to increase the collection of fourth-grade students in literary history and material improvement. 2) Teaching according to the model of generative learning sent comfort in the hearts of students and increased the desire to learn and Auden independence in learning. In the light of the result reached by the researcher in this study, the committee recommends the following: 1) adoption of generative learning model in teaching history in the fourth grade literary because of its many benefits organize thinking and accuracy of observation and organization of scientific material that helps students in learning and increased attainment in history. 2) Draw the attention of those who write books on the modalities for the teaching of history branches to generative learning model because of the lack of sources, who spoke on the subject. Complementing the results of current research, the researcher conducting studies suggest the following: 1) the construction of a training program for history teachers in secondary education on the development of thinking skills (contemplative, inferential, critical, and creative) according to the model of generative learning. 2) Study the effect of the use of generative model of learning with teaching methods, such as (the learning cycle, concept maps, and constructivist-learning model). (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 409-440 T1 - فاعلية أنموذج التعلم التوليدي في تحصيل طالبات الصف الرابع الإعدادي في مادة التاريخ [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1