AU - أبو الحسن، أحمد إبراهيم AB - The current search aimed to Identify the Effectiveness of using The Generative learning model (G.L.M) in developing the generative thinking and daily skills for the students of secondary school stage by teaching philosophy. The study sample consisted of (60) female students, (30) female students of the Experimental group and (30) of the control group, a hand book has been prepared for female students which contains reformulation to unit assessed on the female students in the first semester 2014/2015, a instructor manual has been to guide in teaching the 2 unit of the subject of the study, has been prepared also which were the Generative learning model (G.L.M) , tolls of the study included a( test generative thinking, measure daily skills ), and which has been reser study and apply ofter that on female students research 2 group . The results of study pointed to the following the Effectiveness of the use Generative learning model (G.L.M), in teaching philosophy in the development of the Generative learning model (G.L.M) , daily skills of the high school students, these results were from atmosphere which the Generative learning model (G.L.M) , were provided of thinking excite metal which helped in t development tolls search. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 199-226 T1 - فاعلیة نموذج التعلم التولیدي (G.L.M) في تنمیة التفكیر التولیدي والمهارات الحیاتیة لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانویة من خلال تدریس الفلسفة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1