AU - عبد الله، بدر الدين ميرغني AB - This research has the assumption that the promotion of popular games among children between them may lead to reduce the phenomenon of sexual harassment in trying to promote the culture of these Games by moving away from electronic games. Many research studies approved that one of the reasons that could lead to sexual harassment is the electronic. The study aimed to achieve a number of objectives :- work to foster the culture of these Games, and on the light of this; the study suppose four hypotheses based on construction that refer to our Casino People may reduce the rate of deviation amid segments of children under the age of adolescence, for that we have spreading the culture of the popular games among children reduces the refuge of electronic games, and playing electronic games may generate excess physical energy, according to discharge this energy through foreplay or physical contact, so that half of the exercise of these popular games reduces the percentage of sexual harassment. The study improved through field research to slice carefully selected from among children and by observation began these children in Invite a lot of their peers. Data were collected after making sure to accommodate them these games, Chi-square was used in the analysis, which demonstrated statistically there are significant differences between the promotions of the culture of these games and reduce harassment among these kids. Finally study numbered recommendations and the most important: the emphasis on publishing these popular Games, in different school and to develop them adding spiritual competition, Bearing in our mind globalization of electronic games cannot be prevented, but it can reduce; and put them under the control of parents, also with work on raising children amid religious education. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 157-177 T1 - إستراتیجیة تعزیز الألعاب الشعبیة وسط الأطفال ودورها في الحد من ظاهرة التحرش الجنسي : دراسة حالة على السودان [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1