AU - سليمان، منتصر صلاح عمر AB - The current study aimed to identify the validity of a proposed statistical model to express the effect of a number of internal and external factors on the motivational resilience and its three dimensions of : engagement, reengagement, Disaffection and Giving up, during the transition to the Middle School, and The predictability of motivational resilience and its three dimensions of a number of specific internal and external factors, The study used 374 primary and fifth grade students with an average age of 10.5 years, a standard deviation of 0.9, and 346 a student from the first grade, average 12.6, and a standard deviation 1.4.The results found that there were significant differences between the fifth and first grade pupils in the variables of internal motivation, social support and school climate. The school integration was also predicted by academic achievement, the family climate School affiliation is predicted by school engagement, and there are paths and relationships directly impacting a number of internal and external factors that have been proposed on the three dimensions of engagement, reengagement, Disaffection and Giving up, The results also supported the validity of the proposed model in that the motivational resilience represents the role of mediator between a number of internal and external variables and the academic achievement in the sample of the participating students. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 281-340 T1 - المرونة التحفیزیة كمتغیر وسیط بین العوامل الداخلیة والخارجیة والتحصیل الدراسي لدى التلامیذ أثناء الإنتقال إلی المرحلة الإعدادیة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1