AU - قاسم، إبراهيم صابر عبد الرحمن
AB - The research aims to develop both the values of work and social skills, and the practical skills of students in the third grade industrial secondary architectural, the sample of the study consisted of (64) students from the concrete division (32 students for the experimental group and 32 students for the control group) in cairo governorate in the department of orchards and dar es salaam. To achieve the goal of knowledge, the researcher surveyed the opinion of experts and arbitrators in the field of industrial education to make two lists of the first values of work, and the second for social skills, in this light, the researcher designed a series of professional activities based on the approaches of the hidden curriculum, and the research tools were prepared, which were represented in the values of the work, and the scale of social skills, and a note card to measure the practical aspect of concrete students for the concrete skills of the activities the researcher applied tribal research tools to the two groups, then applied the professional activities to the experimental group, then applied the research tools to the two groups. The statistical processing of the research tools was carried out, the research results showed that the activities of the hidden curriculum in the development of both the values of work and social skills, and the practical skills of students in the third industrial architectural secondary school. (Published abstract)
OP - ص ص. 17-75
T1 - فعالیة مجموعة من الأنشطة مهنیة لتنمیة كل من المهارات العملیة وقیم العمل والمهارات الاجتماعیة لدى طلاب المدرسة الثانویة الصناعیة المعماریة في ضوء التوجهات الحدیثة للمنهج الخفي [مقال]
UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1