AU - المحمدي، نجوى بنت عطيان AB - The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of suggested educational software on the achievement of first year secondary students in programming in the computer course. The study adopted the quasi experimental method by using two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The study design included the educational software as the independent variable and students’ achievement as the dependent variable. Students’ achievement was measured by the cognitive achievement test pre and post practicing the software. The study sample included all first year secondary students at Jeddah city at the year of 1435-1436 A.H. The subjects were 50 students divided into 25 students in the experimental group and 25 students in the control group. The control group students were taught by the traditional method while the experimental were trained to use the educational software. The achievement’s test results were analyzed by using the (T test) for two independent groups. The analyses showed that the achievement of the experimental group in programming was better than the achievement of the control group. (Published abstract) OP - ص ص. 303-327 T1 - فاعلیة برمجیة تعلیمیة مقترحة على تحصیل طالبات الصف الأول الثانوي في مقرر الحاسب الآلي بمدینة جدة [مقال] UL - النص الكامل (PDF) 1